Accelerate Sales by Channeling David and Goliath

Evolution. It can’t be fought, nor can it be circumvented. In fact, as Jeff Goldblum’s character, Dr. Ian Malcolm, in Jurassic Park (i.e. the ’93 blockbuster, not the retirement home my mother cautions me against sending her), states that “life, finds a way.” Dr. Malcolm discusses how the Park uses technology to create dinosaurs, which […]

5 Tips to Improve Your Email Campaigns

Are you seeing the desired results from your email campaigns? If you answer “no,” you’re not alone. Check and see if you’re missing any of these best practices in your marketing strategy: Create lead nurturing programs, not email marketing. “Email marketing” oftentimes translates to sending one-off emails to customers, when companies want to promote activities […]

3 Reasons Customer Retention is Much More Than a Loyalty Program

Customer retention can be a financial game-changer in your company’s success. Harvard Business Review reports that increasing customer retention rates by 5% can increase profits by at least 25%[i]–with some companies able to nearly double their profits. Most CEOs and marketers alike understand the importance of customer retention. But many mistake a loyalty program as […]

How to Personalize Your Sales Outreach Using Data

Personalization: It’s on everyone’s mind. How to provide that hyper-personalized experience to show your customers that you know, and can provide them, what they need. While there is a lot of talk as to how to deliver personalized messages effectively and efficiently, there’s a big first step: How do you even figure out what they […]

Dear Customer, I Know EXACTLY What You Want (Part 5)

It’s one thing to understand who to target. It’s another to know what to offer them. Putting relevant offers in front of your prospects and customers is one of the holy grails of effective marketing. Done correctly, marketers can expect to see a sizable increase in campaign conversion rates, not to mention an increase in […]